Receive Verified Parental Consent

ISAFE Direct VPC enables the education & commercial community to communicate with parents regarding what online services, software programs, commercial sites and mobile apps are being used, during their child's academic & edutainment learning environment,  and to obtain Verifiable Parental Consent (VPC).

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Request Parental Consent on Commercial Services Used in the Classroom

ISAFE Direct VPC enables the education community to communicate and request parental consent on what commercial online sites, services and apps are requiring personal information that is being used in their child’s education.

Create a VPC Request in Minutes

Creating a VPC Request is simple and can be done in a matter of minutes. Update and publish your VPC requests as situations arise,  and program changes are made,  and maintain an accurate history of such requests. All data  is stored in one convenient location.

Remove the hassle of paper storage

ISAFE Direct VPC removes all the hassles of storing documents.  VPC documentation is stored for the duration of the academic school year. 

Benefits of ISAFE Direct VPC

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Learn more about the benefits of using ISAFE Direct.

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